The Korvaid

An Epic Tale of the Fall of Man

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The Gods

Each god in The Korvaid holds three traits that represent his or her likeness and affinity. These traits are broken down into three categories: intangible affinities, elemental attachments, and animal likenesses. Intangible affinities of the gods are tied to human emotions or human constructs such as love, law, or ethics. Likewise, elemental attachments and animal likenesses bear a strong similarity to each god’s personal affinities. The gods are often portrayed as emotionally-charged, lacking sensibility and reason, and often bicker amongst each other with petty disputes. The gods’ affinities are typically the foundation for many of their disagreements; however, Klemnos, God of Law, and Sarsus, God of Order, tend to demonstrate a limited immunity, free from personal engagements. Given the nature of Klemnos’ and Sarsus’ personal affinities, such detachment should not be surprising.

The gods of The Korvaid are somewhat loosely representative of the natural opposition of universal forces. As with matter and anti-matter, yin and yang, each god has his or her antipode. It is not unexpected then that such an existence is naturally the basis for dissent. However, while every intent is to create a series of diametric opposites throughout The Korvaid, I did not complete the cycle–if you could call it thus–when I first conceived the notion of this epic poem. Thus, many gods currently exist without their universal equal, and I suppose it could be argued that the gods are therefore out of balance. Many of these immortal beings are simply minor characters throughout the plot, so such an oversight does not yet create a contradiction within the realm of the gods.

The following chart diagrams gods that have currently been spoken of, referenced, or planned to be included within The Korvaid. I have offered an explanation below of each, and why I chose the particular affinities, attachments, or likenesses selected to represent individual gods:

Intangible Affinity Elemental Attachment Animal Likeness Name
Law Earth Owl Klemnos
Klemnos is the God of Law and appears throughout the earliest parts of the Korvaid as the mediator who places within his scales the winds of fate. He is the foundation of civilization and thus is represented by the earth. Klemnos is also wise and thus chose his likeness as that of an owl.
Order Sun Lion (the Hunter) Sarsus
Sarsus is the brother of Sarvus, the God of Chaos, and are the first born children of Love and Hate. Order is more confined, unlike the stars, and therefore burns brightly as a single point in the sky. Sarsus’ mother is Nova, God of Love, whose elemental attachment is Fire.
Chaos Stars Jackal (the Scavenger) Sarvus
Sarvus is the God of Chaos, brother of Sarsus, and is represented by the stars. His elemental attachment is indicative of order disseminated into chaos; billions of points of lights scattered without direction across the sky. His animal likeness is that of a jackal who scavenges without direction or plan, owing himself instead to opportunity. Chaos is the heir of Hate.
Love Fire (Light or the Day) Doe Nova
Nova, Goddess of Love, is the mother of all gods in The Korvaid and is represented by the burning fire, light, and warmth. Her influence burns brightly through her son Sarsus, God of Order, in the form of the sun. She is also the grandmother of Korvas.
Passion Lightning Wasp Thalia
Passion is the daughter of ethics, and her elemental attachment is an indication of this relationship; lightning is, after all, a daughter of the storm. She is also the mother of Korvas when she joined in union with the mortal man Pleonus.
Hate Darkness (the Night) Serpent Thaemnius
Hate is the father of all gods and is also the god of Night, Darkness, and the Serpent. In The Korvaid, all things are birthed from the Darkness when united with Light (Nova, Goddess of Love).
Reason Moon Oyster Collomnus
Collomnus is the celestial twin of Order whose elemental identity is the sun. However, since Reason does not burn as brightly as Order, he was assigned the moon as his attachment.
Ethics the Storm Thundering Herds Tyraneus
It may seem odd that the God of Ethics chose the storm as his elemental attachment. Tyraneus is the father of Passion, represented by Lightning, and just as the storm is the father of lightning, so must he be the guardian and controller of passion. Ethical dilemmas are often accompanied by brooding contemplation, often in times of darkness, and their natures can be difficult to weather like the raging storm. Tyraneus’ choice is rather appropriate.
Justice Mountains Goat Raethia

Mythology and Mythological Creatures

  • Klemnos, god of Law, is sometimes refered to as “the vengeful,” mostly in reference to his place as lawful punishment.
  • Termidus, sacred mountain of uncertain location. Believed to house the lesser diety, Trimus, ruler of snow.
  • The Scythmenides (Sith-men-ih-dees; sometimes spelled Cythmenides or Sythmenides; Judges Equiv. Furies)
  • The Clypmeons, fearsome beasts with long tails, tipped with a series of spikes not all that dissimilar to a spiked mace. They are adorned with the head of a bull and six horns, three per side. They stand atop six muscular legs, each tipped with the claws of a tiger. Sometimes seen mounted by one of the Scythmenides.
  • Novaeid, creature purportedly created when Nova (Love) became angry with her husband Thaemnius (Hate). Most closely resemble a floating flame but drips blood.
  • Lytheon, winged creature. Similar to a dragon with golden and greenish flesh, two heads, four wings instead of two, and arms of a man. Often seen carrying blades.
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