Links: April 29th

And now for something completely different for this week’s links… Read more…

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Links: April 22nd

I’ve decided I’m going to start a new series for my blog: This series will be classified as “interesting links” and is scheduled to appear every Wednesday. It should be a great way to spice up the middle of the week! Anyway, the links will be selected from an assortment of news, articles, or current events that I happen to find interesting and may be edited throughout the remainder of the week. Consider it a polymorphic post. I won’t be tagging it at all, that way it won’t interfere with the tag cloud. Instead, you’ll need to access older entries by clicking on the Links of the Week category.

Software and Programming

We have a selection in this week’s line up from the “I could’ve told you that before” category or… Writing Software is like … Writing.

I think I’ve mentioned something about that before. Oh, would you look at that, it seems as if I did.

Updates Friday, April 24
It appears that Lifehacker’s Keir Thomas has a nice write up on Ubuntu 9.04. I can see some improvements but to say that Ubuntu’s default install is “on par” with Windows and OS X in terms of its UI might be a bit optimistic at best. I really dislike Gnome.


We also have a little treat I’d like to classify as “I can see my house from here” or… Lightest Exoplanet Discovered.

It is unlikely to harbor life–it’s so close to the parent star that it completes an orbit in a little over three days!
